Can Brand pages get reviews? If so can I reply/dispute reviews?

  • Updated

Users can leave reviews on brand pages for products they have tried. It is recommended to respond to all reviews, whether they are positive or negative, for each location.


This article covers the following: 


Navigating to Reviews

First, you will log into your Brand Biz Dashboard. You can check out this FAQ on how to access the dashboard: Where do I access my brand dashboard?

After logging into your Biz Dashboard, select the ‘Reviews’ option on the left side panel of your Biz Dashboard. 




Here, you can find the reviews left on your products. Additionally, you can also search for specific products and locate their reviews. 




Replying to Reviews

Underneath each review, you will see a reply option. When you click this, it allows you to reply back to the user. This is a great way to say thank you or acknowledge their feedback.




After typing your reply, click on the 'Post' button. These replies are public on your product.




Disputing a Review

If a review violates Leafly’s Terms of Service (Section 6.1), you can dispute the review by selecting the Dispute option underneath the review.




In the dispute field, please provide our Moderation team with as much information as possible on the violation. No matter the outcome, our Moderation team will send you an email to let you know if the review will be left on the site or removed from the site.  




For any issues or concerns, we kindly request that you contact our support team at They will be more than happy to assist you in resolving any problems you may encounter.