We're here to help you find the perfect cannabis strains and dispensaries that suit your needs. With the easy-to-use Leafly Finder, you can locate nearby storefront dispensaries and delivery services (if they're allowed in your area) and see what they have to offer.
Locating a dispensary: Web Browser
- Open up Leafly.com
- Confirm that you have the correct location set: Updating your default location on Leafly
- Select the Dispensaries option at the top of the Leafly homepage:
This will open up the Leafly Finder. From the image below, you can see the dispensary listings found in your area:
On this page, you can easily filter dispensaries based on your preferences. If you want pickup or delivery, just select the appropriate filter. And if you're searching for recreational or medical dispensaries, you can also choose the appropriate option. It's incredibly easy and convenient!
💡Please keep in mind that delivery and recreational options may not be available in all states. You can only see these options if they are allowed by law in your state.
A quick tip: When exploring nearby dispensaries, remember to tap on the Filters button for extra options.
Ready to start shopping? Click on the dispensary name. You will then be brought to the Dispensary home page.
To learn how to place an online order, please check out these articles:
Locating a dispensary: Leafly App
- Open up the Leafly app.
- Check to make sure you have your correct location set: Updating your default location on Leafly
- Select More located in the bottom right corner
- Click the Map option to open up the Leafly finder
This will open up the Leafly Finder. From the image below, you can see the dispensary listings found in your area.
To see a list of locations, just click on the List option on the map. You'll be able to see all the locations, including their hours, distance, and whether you can order online. Easy peasy!
While on the map, if you click on the 'Filters' option, you will be brought to a new page on the app where you can narrow your search even further. Just remember to hit the yellow 'apply' at the bottom.
💡Please keep in mind that delivery and recreational options may not be available in all states. You will only be able to see these options if they are allowed by law in your state.
Ready to start shopping? Click on the dispensary name. You will then be brought to the Dispensary home page.
To learn how to place an online order, please check out these articles:
For any issues or concerns, we kindly request that you contact our support team at customersupport@leafly.com. They will be more than happy to assist you in resolving any problems you may encounter.