Format/size requirements for image uploads for your retail listing

  • Updated

Including high-quality photos of your products, services, or business premises can greatly enhance your marketing efforts and increase the likelihood of attracting potential customers. In this article, we will offer a comprehensive guide to help you choose the most appropriate photos for your business. We will cover important aspects such as the size and resolution of your photos, the lighting, angle and composition, the relevance of the images to your business, and the emotional impact they can create on your target audience. By following these guidelines, you will be able to create a visually appealing and engaging marketing campaign that will effectively showcase your brand and attract more customers. 


This article covers the following topics for images: 

  • Cover Photo
  • Dispensary Logo or Profile Picture
  • Menu Items
  • In-Store Promotions 
  • Leafly Deals


Cover Photo

Having an appealing cover photo on your Leafly listing can make a significant difference in attracting potential customers. It is the first thing they see when they visit your page and can set the tone for their experience. A great cover photo provides an opportunity to showcase the exterior or interior of your building, giving your customers a glimpse of what to expect when they visit. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that your cover photo is of high quality and accurately represents your business.
πŸ”— Learn how to upload your cover photo here: How do I change the cover photo for my dispensary?

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Cover Photo Image Requirements: 

  • No forced aspect ratio
    • There will be an added border if the image is smaller than the new recommended aspect ratio (PNG or JPG Format at 1920px X 1080px)
  • Recommended size: 1920px X 1080px
  • PNG or JPG format
  • No special characters within the file name (%,$, #, etc)



As part of our subscription package, we offer the option to include a logo on your listing. Your logo will be prominently displayed on your listing, making it easier for potential customers to identify your brand. Additionally, if you have a map marker subscription add-on, your logo will be included there as well, further increasing your visibility. Don't miss out on this opportunity to make a strong first impression and showcase your brand identity.  

πŸ”— Learn how to upload your logo photo here: How do I change the logo for my dispensary? 

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Logo Image Requirements: 

  • 340px x 340px

  • JPG or PNG format

  • No special characters within the file name (%,$, #, etc)


Menu Item Photos

Having appropriate images for your menu items is crucial as it helps customers visualize the products they are interested in. When you upload images for the menu items, they will be attached to the respective products on your Leafly Listing. There are various sources from which you can obtain the images for your menu items. You can manually upload them within your Leafly Menu Manager. If you are using a point-of-sale system, you can sync the images to Leafly. Alternatively, you can also link the images directly to the brand products available on Leafly.  

πŸ”— Learn more about manually uploading images: Adding or removing a photo for your menu items within Menu Manager

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Menu Item Image Requirements: 

  • Aspect ratio 1:1 (i.e  minimum of 1024 x 1024)

  • JPG format

  • Between 2-5 MB

  • No special characters within the file name (%,$, #, etc)



In-Store Promotions 

In-store promotions are used to share special offers not on your menu or do not qualify for Leafly Deals, like discounts for veterans and first-timers, or special events, like vendor days and ladies’ nights. In-store promotion images are exclusively viewed within the mobile app or on the deals page found on Leafly. These images will not be visible when looking directly at a dispensary listing directly. You can choose from a variety of library images or select your own. 

πŸ”— Learn more about In-Store Promotions here: Learn more: In-store promotions


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 In-Store Promotion Image Requirements: 

  • 1920 x 790 

  • JPG format

  • Between 2-5 MB

  • No special characters within the file name (%,$, #, etc)



Leafly Deals

Leafly Deals are strikethrough pricing on items in the form of a percent or dollar amount off. Currently, Leafly Deals are only available for retail locations that have Leafly online ordering enabled. These images appear on your listing and on the Deals tab. 

πŸ”— Learn more about Leafly deals here: Learn More - Leafly Deals


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Deal Image Requirements: 

  • 1920 x 1080 

  • JPG format

  • Between 2-5 MB

  • No special characters within the file name (%,$, #, etc)







For any issues or concerns, we kindly request that you contact our support team at They will be more than happy to assist you in resolving any problems you may encounter.