Updating your date of birth

  • Updated

If you would like to change your date of birth, below is a step-by-step guide on how to do so: 

Using the Web Browser: 

  • Open up www.leafly.com 
  • Select the Menu icon (three horizontal bars) in the top left corner

Screenshot 2023-03-08 at 11.15.56 AM.png

Click on your Account Name to access your Leafly User Account Settings


Once you are in your Leafly User Account Settings

  • Select 'Edit profile'
  • Make the changes to the 'Date of Birth' field
  • After updating your email, select the yellow 'save' button at the bottom of the page

NOTE: You will receive an error and will be unable to update your profile details if you do not add a 'Preferred name'




Using the Leafly App: 

  • Open up the Leafly app
  • Click on 'More' at the bottom of the app


  • Once the side panel opens, click on 'Account'


  • Click on the cogwheel icon, to enter your account details


  • Once inside your account details, update your phone number in the Birthdate field and click save:


If you are still having issues, please contact our Support team at customersupport@leafly.com.