Learn More: Leafly Online Payments (Only available in Canada)

  • Updated

Online payments are possible for eligible retailers located in Canada. Enabling online payments through Leafly helps you provide consumers with a convenient and safe option to purchase cannabis products from your store contact free.

This article provides you with a walk-through of the process of enabling online payments for your location:



There are certain criteria your location needs to meet to enable online payments:


How does it work?

Leafly customers who are paying for their pickup orders online will enter their credit card information when checking out on Leafly. At the time that they check out, their card will be charged in full (not just authorized), so it is important that the order total is accurate at checkout and includes tax. Merrco|Payfirma will be charging the card, and Leafly will retrieve a payment token from them and send it to your store with the order - directly in your Cova POS.

The order will display as Paid, so you will be able to identify that the customer’s card was already charged.


Requesting your Credentials

In order to have online payments, make sure you have a valid account with Merrco|Payfirma. You will want to email: support@merrco.ca letting them know you are setting up online payments with Leafly in the email. Include your current API key from your Merrco dashboard within the email. Merrco|Payfirma will send you new credentials that are specific to Leafly and are needed to enable on Leafly, which will include:

  1. Your client ID
  2. Your client secret
  3. Public Encryption Key

Sample email: 



Enabling Online Payments

After obtaining your credentials from Merrco|Payfirma, you can continue with setting up the online payments on Leafly. Just to remind you, in order for online payments to connect successfully, your location has to meet the listed requirements. 

  • Accepting pickup orders on Leafly (delivery online payments are not supported at this time) 
  • Cova Ordering Integration is enabled on Leafly
  • Tax Settings for Cova enabled on Leafly

To get started, first log into your Leafly Biz Dashboard

  • Select the 'Settings' option
  • Click on 'Payments & Taxes'


On the Payments tab, click the setup Payfirma integration option: 


Enter your Payfirma credentials into the below fields. Click test connection


If the test connection is successful, click save for the changes to apply. After you click save - you will be fully integrated with the online payments with Payfirma. 




If you receive any errors when connecting, please email help@leafly.com and our Leafly Support Team can assist you further. 


Retailer Experience

When a customer places a pickup order with your store and pays online through Leafly’s checkout experience, the orders will show up in your order dashboard with an indicator that tells you the customer has already paid.



Because you have the Cova/Leafly order integration enabled, the orders will also be deposited directly in your POS, where you can start fulfilling them. When they appear in your POS, they will have an indicator to let you know that the customer has already paid. If the order can be fulfilled, you will then confirm and complete it here.





What happens if a customer needs to modify their order or cancel it?

  • If the order total changes, the transaction should be canceled in your POS because they have already been charged in full. Your Merrco or PayHQ dashboard allows you to process partial and full refunds to customers who paid online.
  • Per Merrco/Payfirma, full refunds can be made the same day, partial refunds can only be made the next day. Follow the instructions in your guidebook from Merrco/Payfirma, or contact them with any questions. There are also more detailed descriptions in the guides listed above.
  • At this time, Leafly is not facilitating the processing of any refunds. Leafly will direct customers to work with you directly, similar to how we do today, for any payment-related questions. We are working on a process to simplify refunds when an order is canceled but it is not available yet.
  • If you need any assistance with refunding an order, please reach out to help@leafly.com or connect with Merrco|Payfirma directly. 

Can we enable and disable online payments on our own?

  • Yes. You will have the ability to change your preferences. To do so, please log into your Biz Dashboard > Settings > Payments & Taxes. Click the 3 dots as shown below to adjust your preferences: 



What happens if a customer orders above the legal limit and pays for their order online?

  • Leafly is not currently checking for order limits, so you may receive an order that is over the legal limit that was paid for online. Because the order will appear in your POS as already paid, your transaction limits in Cova may not catch it if the order is over the legal limit.
  • You will want to look closely at the amount of cannabis ordered before fulfilling it. If the order exceeds the limit, you can cancel the order in full and process a refund in your Merrco dashboard.
  • Leafly is working on enforcing order limits that you have set up in your Cova POS, but they are not available now.

How will Leafly manage fraud?

  • Leafly will be adding disclaimers to the order experience to alert customers that they need to bring their credit card when they pick up their order so that it can be verified.
  • Disclaimers will display in the checkout, and on the order receipt email, as well as the ready for pickup email. Merrco|Payfirma manages fraud on their end, based on the fraud controls you set up with them when you created your account


For any issues or concerns, we kindly request that you contact our support team at help@leafly.com. They will be more than happy to assist you in resolving any problems you may encounter.

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