Where do I update, edit, or delete my current brand products?

  • Updated

You will first want to log into your Brand Biz Dashboard to update your brand products. You can check out this FAQ to access the dashboard: Where do I access my brand dashboard?



Brand products should only be updated to reflect current product updates and not updated to create brand-new items. Brand products each have a unique URL based on the Product Name title. Changing the product name can cause issues with reporting and your data. Any new items that need to be added to your brand page should be created by following these steps: Adding products to your brand page


Product Status Options Overview

Brand pages have the ability to move their products between the following statuses: Draft, Published, and Unpublished. Additionally, brand pages have the ability to delete products entirely.

Below please find an overview of the different product statuses and delete functionality:

  • Products in the Draft status are products that you intend to continue working on prior to making them available to view on your Leafly profile.
    • These products are saved in an incomplete state, and must be moved to the Published status for them to be visible.
  • Products in the Published status are products that you have completed adding information to and have made live on your Leafly brand profile.
    • These products can be linked to dispensary menus and used in menu merchandising or affiliate sales programs.
  • Products in the Unpublished status are products that were previously Published and visible on Leafly.
    • Updating products to an Unpublished state when they have cycled out of availability but will be returning later saves you time when it comes to re-creating product entries when they are back in stock.
  • When you Delete a product, this removes the product from Leafly’s catalog entirely.
    • Any dispensary menu items linked to deleted products will be un-linked. Be sure to delete products only if you are certain they are discontinued and no longer stocked in stores.


Editing Existing Products

After logging into your Biz Dashboard, select the Products option on the left side panel of your Biz Dashboard.  




Once on the Products page, you can see an overview of your products. This includes how many reviews the product has, when the product was added, when the product was last updated, and the status (published or draft)


To edit an item, click on the product:



Once the product detail page pops up, you'll be able to edit the fields on that product. For more information on product field requirements, please refer to this article: Adding products to your brand page.


If you need to adjust visibility of the item, use the Status drop-down menu to select either the Published or Unpublished status, then hit Save to complete your changes.


Deleting Existing Products

Prior to deleting existing products, consider the following:

  • Is this product still stocked and being sold in stores?
  • Is this product temporarily cycled out of production, or has it been discontinued entirely?

If the product is still stocked in stores, you may want to consider waiting to delete the product. Waiting until all stock is sold ensures any shoppers looking for more information about your product will still have access to the information you provide about it.

If the product is likely to come back into production at a future date, consider Unpublishing the product for now rather than deleting it. This allows you to hide the product temporarily, then edit any relevant information prior to Publishing it again in the future. 


If you wish to entirely delete an item from your brand profile, navigate to the Products page to get started.

To begin editing an item, click on the product:


Once the product detail view is open, click Delete on the bottom right hand corner of the modal:

You will see a pop-up asking if you are sure that you wish to delete the product. Click Delete to confirm.

You will see a pop-up appear in the upper right hand corner of the Products page confirming the product was successfully deleted:


For any issues or concerns, we kindly request that you contact our support team at help@leafly.com. They will be more than happy to assist you in resolving any problems you may encounter.