The Strain Page Feature Ad matches a retailer with shoppers actively looking for effects-specific products the retailer has in-stock.
A Strain Page Feature is an exclusive retailer card prominently located near the top of strain pages on the web. These ads are only available for those who are Leafly Online Ordering enabled.
This article covers the following:
Strain Ad Placement
Your Strain Page Feature ad will display on strain pages where you have an exact match in-stock or a similar strain in stock. “Similar” strains are defined as those that share one of a strain’s top three effects.
Best Practices
For the Strain Page Feature to work properly, menu items must be linked to a strain within our Leafly Strain Database.
How to link menu items to strains
Strain linking can be done in one of two ways: Manually or through your current POS integration. Some POS providers seamlessly transfer strain data to Leafly Biz. If yours doesn’t, you’ll need to select the strain link for each item manually.
If you are currently POS connected, you can check out more details about your specific integration found in our POS guides here: Point of Sale Guides
To learn how to link your menu items, please refer to our Help Desk article here: Manually linking strains on your Leafly menu
Locating Menu items with our Strain Data
The Leafly Menu Manager has the ability to filter through your products quickly. You can utilize this to make quick changes or to find specific products and to locate any menu items that do not have this data point completed.
To learn how to filter through your menu items, please refer to our Help Desk article here: Learn More - Menu Manager filters and item sorting
Please reach out to for assistance from our Support Team.