Learn More - Menu Manager filters and item sorting

  • Updated

The Leafly Menu Manager allows you to quickly filter through your products. You can utilize this to make quick changes or to find specific products. In addition, there is a sort option that can be used to sort your items in your Menu Manager only. 


Menu Manager Filter

Once you are in the Leafly Menu Manager, you will see the 'Filters' option at the top of your products. Clicking this will open a panel with options for filtering through your menu items. When clicking this option, you will be presented with the following options: 

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Find out some more details about each filter: 

  • Incomplete Item Data: This will display how many items that do not have specific data points attached to them such as brand name, CBD/THC content, description, and strains.
    • Note: Unlike our legacy Menu Manager, there is no penalty for menu items missing item data. However, we suggest making sure items have complete item data, as this provides your location with better visibility on Leafly when shoppers are searching for products.
  • Brand Name: This will display a list of brands that are currently attached to your menu items
  • Category: This will display a lists of the categories that your menu items are bundled under
  • Item Status: This will display the number of items that are either 'Inactive' (hidden) and 'Active' (public-facing)
  • Staff Pick: This will display how many items are 'True' = listed as a staff pick and 'False' = not listed as a staff pick.
  • Strain: This will display a list of current strains linked to your menu items
  • (POS ONLY) Include out-of-stock items: This toggle will display the items currently out of stock coming from your point of sale. If you are not actively syncing with a point of sale, this toggle will not apply to your location. 


Menu Manager Item Sorting

Once you are in the Leafly Menu Manager, you will see the sort options at the top of your products. Clicking this will open up a drop-down, with options for you to sort your menu items. 

By default, the items will be sorted by Product (A-Z). When clicking this option, there will be a drop-down with additional options

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For any issues or concerns, we kindly request that you contact our support team at help@leafly.com. They will be more than happy to assist you in resolving any problems you may encounter.