Uber Eats: Menu & Tax FAQ

  • Updated

This article covers information on Menu Functionality regarding Uber Eats:



If you have any issues, questions, or concerns regarding Store Operations with your Uber Eats store, please email help@leafly.com. From there, our Leafly Support Team will be able to help you further. 



Menu Upload Process & FAQs

Uber Eats Catalog Creation

I am using a POS on Leafly, does my menu sync to Uber Eats?

  • We retrieve the current menu of every retailer integrated with Uber Eats every 10 minutes and compare it with their corresponding menu on Leafly. We then update the differences in pricing and availability.
  • Leafly refreshes the entire Uber Eats menu on the following cadence: Midnight, 3AM, 5AM, 7AM, 11AM, 3PM, 5PM, 6PM, 7PM, 8PM, 9PM, 10PM, and 11PM Pacific Time.
  • If an item isn't on the allow list, then it won't be published on your Uber Eats menu.

How does the menu upload work? What is the Uber catalog or "allow list"? 

  • Leafly takes a snapshot of your current menu Monday through Friday (excluding holidays) at 12PM PST and performs a scrub of your menu data.
  • During the menu scrub, we:
    • Adjust item categories (i.e. infused prerolls moved from “Concentrates” to “Prerolls”, tagged as “infused”.)
    • Remove any potential copyright infringement strain data (i.e. Gorilla Glue, Girl Scout Cookies, etc.)
    • Eliminate all-in-one disposable vapes, vape batteries, and stand-alone flower vaporizers due to an Apple store regulation regarding vape content in apps.
    • Leafly also converts “dry cannabis weight” to the “alcohol units” field on Uber Eats to ensure shoppers cannot order above purchase limits in one transaction.
  • If there are products on your menu that we can't locate on the provincial cannabis store, those won't be included on your Uber Eats menu. The exception is accessories not listed on the provincial cannabis store; those items will be included as well.
  • The scrubbed version of your menu is then used as an "allow list" or "catalog" that is required by Uber for compliance reasons.

When will my newly uploaded inventory sync to my Uber Eats menu?

  • If a new menu item is on your Leafly menu by 12PM PST, it will be scrubbed and uploaded to your Uber Eats menu same day. Items added to your Leafly menu after 12PM PST will be scrubbed and uploaded to your Uber Eats menu on the following business day.
  • If an item isn't on the allow list, then it won't be published on your Uber Eats menu.
  • After an allow list/catalog is uploaded, individual item change (name, photo, availability) syncs occur every 10 minutes; at that time, all items in the current payload are compared to the "allow list."
  • The full menu uploads are performed on the following cadence: Midnight, 3AM, 5AM, 7AM, 11AM, 3PM, 5PM, 6PM, 7PM, 8PM, 9PM, 10PM, and 11PM Pacific Time

Can I increase prices on my Uber Eats menu?

  • No. At this time, it is not possible to increase prices solely on your Uber Eats menu.
  • There are technical limitations around pricing within your POS system. If Leafly attempts to pass an order to your POS with pricing higher than what is in your POS, your POS system will view this as a "negative discount" and automatically cancel the order.
  • If you are using a POS integration to power your Leafly menu, Leafly defers to your POS system as the source of truth for item prices.

I'm changing my POS system. How will this impact my Uber Eats menu?

  • Please contact help@leafly.com if you are planning to switch to a new POS system. The Leafly Support Team will alert the Leafly Catalog Team so they are prepared to re-build you Uber Eats catalog once your new POS integration is connected to Leafly Biz.

  • After changing your POS integration in Leafly Biz the Leafly Catalog Team will need to re-scrub your menu data and upload those items to Uber Eats.

  • During this time, it is advisable to pause orders on Uber Eats while the catalog or "allow list" is rebuilt to avoid auto-rejected or canceled orders due to a mis-match between item IDs in your old POS and your new POS.

British Columbia Only: How is Leafly handling products on my menu that are directly purchased from producer/processors rather than the BC Cannabis Store when constructing an allow list for Uber?

  • Leafly needs the ability to verify the product’s dry cannabis weight conversion value in order for the product to be allowed on Uber.

  • If this information is not provided or if we are unable to research and find the needed information, the products will not be included in the allow list and will not appear on your Uber Eats menu.

  • Leafly is currently working on a feature to tag items missing critical information for allow list inclusion in order to request that information directly from retailers to close this gap.

  • For any questions, please email help@leafly.com to connect with our Leafly Support Team. 

British Columbia Only: How is Leafly handling white-labeled items on my menu for the Uber allow list?

  • Leafly will always need to verify that a product is made by a licensed producer in order to meet Uber’s compliance requirements.
  • If a product is being white-labeled and the brand does not provide any information about the licensed producer, there is no way to verify compliance and the product will not be included in the allow list for display on Uber Eats. It is the brand’s responsibility to communicate licensure to the public.
  • For any questions, please email help@leafly.com to connect with our Leafly Support Team. 

Vape Content FAQ

Why are some of my vape products not listed on my Uber Eats menu?

  • Due to Apple store policies regarding vaping content, we are unable to display all-in-one vaporizers, vape batteries, or flower vaporizers on your Uber Eats menu.
  • Stand-alone cartridges and pods will be scrubbed and included on your Uber Eats menu.

British Columbia Only: My vape products are showing on my Uber Eats menu now, but some are missing. Why is that?

  • Due to Apple Store regulations around certain vaping content, all-in-one disposable vapes, vape batteries, and flower vaporizers will not display on your Uber Eats menu.
  • Stand-alone cartridges and pods will appear on your Uber Eats menu and will have the 20% PST applied.
  • Additionally, Uber is rolling the 1% tobacco tax into GST, so you will see at 6% GST applied to vape products. This includes the base 5% GST and the additional 1% tobacco GST.
  • For any questions, please email help@leafly.com to connect with our Leafly Support Team. 


Why do products have no images?

  • Images will not upload/update on Uber Eats if they are less than a 320 x 320 size dimension. 
  • If there are any issues with images appearing on the Uber Eats menu, you will need to update the image to the required dimension. 

  • Once updated in the menu, images will sync during the full menu sync events at Midnight, 3AM, 5AM, 7AM, 11AM, 3PM, 5PM, 6PM, 7PM, 8PM, 9PM, 10PM, and 11PM Pacific Time and appear on Uber Eats afterward.
  • For any issues with images, please contact help@leafly.com, and the Support Team can assist further. 

How do you source the images on the Uber Eats menu? 

  • The images are pulled from the product on the Leafly menu unless the menu item is linked to a brand product.

    • If you are using a POS integration, you can change or update images directly in your POS.
    • If you are manually managing you menu, you can upload new images via the Menu Manager.
  • For any issues with images, please contact help@leafly.com, and the Support Team can assist further. 

I am having issues with my Uber Eats Menu; what do I do? 

  • If you notice missing items, syncing issues or other problems with your uploaded Uber Eats menu, please contact help@leafly.com with some examples or the issues you are experiencing. Our Support Team will assist you further and escalate to the Uber Team if needed. 


How are taxes calculated for Uber Eats?

  • Taxes are applied to products based on tags associated with them during the "allow list" or "catalog" build process.
  • For the best experience across platforms, we recommend updating your tax settings on Leafly so that any shoppers placing orders on Leafly see comparable tax rates to Uber Eats orders.
  • For retailers manually managing a menu: Please select “Display tax estimates using set applicable taxes and rates.” on the Leafly Biz Dashboard Tax Settings: 

Screenshot 2023-02-14 at 4.58.36 PM.png

  • For retailers using Cova: If you are using tax-exclusive pricing, please select “Display taxes from my Cova POS.”

Screenshot 2023-02-14 at 4.57.23 PM.png

  • For retailers using Greenline: Please select “Display taxes using my Greenline integration. (Recommended)


BC Only - Why is my PST tax not included in my Uber Eats payouts?

BC Only - What tax rates are being applied to my vape products?

  • The 20% PST for vape products is applied to vape products on Uber Eats.
  • Additionally, please note that you’ll see the effective tax rate on vape products at 26% due to how 5% GST is calculated on top of item total+20% PST.
    • This BC vape shop provides a useful breakdown of how PST and GST is calculated on vapor products.

For more information on tax settings, please see:

If you have any issues regarding tax calculation or missing taxes, please don't hesitate to reach out to help@leafly.com.



For additional assistance, please contact the Leafly Support Team at help@leafly.com