Supported printers for Leafly online ordering

  • Updated

As a client using Leafly Online Ordering, you have the option to receive notifications of new orders along with printed receipts. This will help you keep track of your orders as they move through your store and reach your customers. 

Leafly recommends using the Eatabit printer. It is easy to install and uses WiFi.

If you are using an Eatabit printer, please review this article: Eatabit printer installation and troubleshooting guide


Follow our PrintNode instructions for Windows or Mac to get up and running. Note we no longer suggest these types of printers, but if you are using these currently, you can review their guides below: 

If you need any assistance with why your printer is not found in the Printer Settings, please review our article Why isn't my Printer listed in the Leafly Biz Dashboard settings?



For any issues or concerns, we kindly request that you contact our support team at They will be more than happy to assist you in resolving any problems you may encounter.