Brand page image format/size requirements

  • Updated

Including photos on your brand page is an effective way to grab the interest of potential customers! This article outlines the specifications for images on your brand page and products.

Featured Photos/Brand Banner:

Leafly users will see your featured photos on the top of your brand page. You can upload up to 5 images with captions shown in a slide show.



Image Requirements: 

  • Aspect ratio 16:9 (1920 x 1080 or larger)
  • JPG or PNG format
  • Between 2-5 MB
  • No special characters within the file name 

To change your featured photos first, log into Leafly Biz, and then do the following:

  • Select Photos
  • Click on the 'edit' hyperlink to change the current photo
  • Scroll to the bottom and click on 'Add Another Photo' to add any new images


Brand Logo:

Leafly users will see your logo displayed on your business profile and in search results.



Image Requirements: 

  • Aspect ratio 1:1 (i.e  minimum of 300 x 300)
  • JPG or PNG format
  • Logo art should be at least 20 pixels away from the edge
  • No special characters in the file name

To change your Logo photo first, log into Leafly Biz and then do the following:

  • Select Business Profile
  • Scroll down to Logo
  • Select Replace
  • Select Choose File or drag and drop your image into the uploader tool
  • Select Save

Brand Products:

Leafly users will see the images uploaded for products when viewing your page. You are allowed to upload a total of 5 images per brand item. Photos are required and will appear on Leafly in the order they are uploaded.


Image Requirements: 

  • Aspect ratio 1:1 (i.e  minimum of 1600 x 1600)
  • JPG or PNG format
  • No special characters in the file name

To access your brand product photos, log into Leafly Biz, and then do the following:

  • Select Products
  • Scroll or search to find the product
  • Click on the product

For any issues or concerns, we kindly request that you contact our support team at They will be more than happy to assist you in resolving any problems you may encounter.